Terms of Service !

ʚ I have the right to decline anything that I feel uncomfortable doing. ɞʚ Credit me if used online (@xiatti or my discord tag) ɞʚ Do not rush me, I have my own schedule ɞʚ Any rude behavior will not be tolerated and your commission will be declined ɞʚ Pay after a watermarked version of the sketch is sent ɞʚ You can only fix anything during the sketch phase, after that each change will be charged ɞʚ Please be sure of what you want before ordering ɞʚ Ghosting = immediate block and blacklisted from ordering. ɞʚ Claiming ownership or heavily referencing/tracing will lead to a block. ɞʚ Must have a clear picture or ref sheet of the character/s or else I’ll decline. ɞ

Wont do!
> anthro animals /monsters
> heavy gore
> mecha
> nsfw/fetish art
> complex backgrounds

Will do!
> fem/masc oc’s
> humans/humanoid species
> ship art / couple art
> fan art
> mostly any designs (preferably simple designs)


